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Keith Bruch | Winnipeg, MB

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Welcome to the world of social media mastery with Shaily Hakimian. Discover the secrets to success in the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing and building genuine connections online.

Brand awareness, simply put, is how familiar consumers are with your products, services, logo, and messaging. How is your consulting company’s brand awareness, and what does it matter? If consumers do recognize your brand, what is their perception of it?

What do the first seven seconds of meeting you say about you, your work ethic, and your ability to be successful? Every fiber you zip, shrug, or button into tells a story about you. Smart business people understand this and use it to craft a strong personal brand. While you don't need to wear a business suit every day of your life, unless you are in a super-professional industry, it's critical to selectively choose your clothing. 

Getting the most out of LinkedIn can be a difficult endeavor. To help you succeed in building an informative and powerful profile, we have compiled a list of the 23 most important personal branding tips to use on this social networking website. Follow these helpful rules to stay relevant and create a lasting impression on LinkedIn.

As a salesperson, here is something you probably already know: people don't feel a strong connection with companies. So in this day and age, having a personal brand is no longer an option; it is a requirement. If people do not see you as a relatable individual and instead starting viewing you as simply the voice of a corporation, you aren't going to last long in the fast-paced world of sales.